Wednesday 9 November 2016

Hereford Bull

We used to travel to local Shows we had a Hereford bull that was always winning the prize
money just 2 beef  breeds that  stole the show in those days the the Aberdeen Angus and
    the Hereford,were the main breeds this was a long time before the continental breeds
came on the scene the Hereford lost favour because of its fat to meat ratio and the continental
breeds took favour with the butchers and meat eaters who were told to restrict the fat in
                            there diet.meat from the continental  breed is a lot leaner.

It was on a Wednesday  that the maid that stayed at the farm would take an afternoon off
to visit her mother,uncle John always arranged to meet her later in the evening off the bus.
This particular day they were going out for the evening so he asked me to meet her,I had
done so before and it always worked out well,we had a routine, she would get off the bus
and walk past the police station and around the corner,so she was out of site of any
policeman standing outside,then I would travel on the road and pick her this normally
worked really well because even if the policeman had worked out our plan there was no way
he could have caught us on a push bike,this time was different there was a police patrol
car passing in front of the police station and heading in our direction,the policeman waved him
down and they caught us up on the road,In those days they had a light on saying
was like Z Cars, now Bethan panicked as to what would happen to her,and got in a muddle
when asked to pronounce her name,I remember being quite amused by this at the time,
they took all the particulars down and left us there on the road ,when they had disappeared
out of sight I said to her to jump on but she was very reluctant too at first,eventually

I went down to the police station the following day with my papers and we had a brief
conversation about things in general at the end of which he asked me, have you told anyone?
I looked at him knowing what he was thinking ,and then remembered in the talk we had
before mentioning the farmer my main concern as usual was that mother didn't find out.
and she didn't.I eventually went to court and was fined 1 pound and to this day that is my only
blemish on police records it is probably still there or maybe after so many years they wipe
                                         the slate clean, I doubt it.

      Soon after, I left the farm and went back home to Cheshire to prepare for attending
                                                         Reaseheath Agricultural College

Later on I heard Uncle John had died and Auntie Bess had moved into a bungalow on her
own and within !8 months she had died also.Parry who shared the bedroom with me had
       a road accident from which he died It all happened within the space of 3 years

Some years later we were passing the entrance to Rhewl Farm and out of curiosity drove
down the long drive and onto the farm there was know one about at the time it was a big
disappointment it wasn't being run as a farm anymore,they say you should never go back
                                                        In this case it was certainly true

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