Monday 7 November 2016

U/John A/Bess

I refer to U/John And A/Bess in this article but only in respect as to
            how we felt about them,they never had a family of their own
They were not my true Aunty and Uncle but they treated us as though they
              were,they were so generous to us during our time there

When I first joined the farm Uncle John introduced me to the owner of the farm
I remember the comment he made 'well John he has got the frame' I was just
11 st 6 lbs then after being there for 12months and living off the fat of the land
my weight went up to 13st 2 lbs and there it stayed throughout my working
life, and is now back to that level again after gaining a stone on retiring from work.

With Auntie Bess cooking and the standard of food on offer we lived like royalty
home made everything the one thing I did drink but didn't like was buttermilk it
       was very sour tasting and was a by product of the butter making .

We were harvesting the cereal crop,and loads kept falling off trailers in the field
I told them I could load trailers at 1st they didn't take me seriously but later they
              agreed to let me try,I never came off the trailers after.
There was a field 6miles away and we had to load this big trailer and haul it back
to the farm,I put this huge load on and it was square ,I sat on top as we traveled
back to the farm that particular day Young farmers had some function on at the
          farm and could remember the interest they took in this load.

Every year after the harvest was completed a harvest supper was organized at
one of the top eating venues in the area anyone closely associated to the farm
                                     would always join us.

It was a good atmosphere in the City of St Asaph then ,there were many of the
same age and with similar interests,I remember drinking hot Horlicks at the
                       roadside cafe with chocolate biscuits.

                                                                 St Asaph Cathedral

They played summer league football there we used to play at night it was quite well
                            organized with lots of teams involved .

From an early age,I had terrible problems with my teeth and toothache and had
had some unpleasant experiences with the approved school dentist  and this made
       me hate attending the dentist surgery even just for checkups.

This situation didn't get any better when I left school and the serious bouts of toothache
continued.I did my best to hide it from others but it was too obvious at times.
Uncle John  found out about this and one day he said to me that we were going to
the market in Denbigh the next town across from St Asaph as we passed through
the high street in Denbigh he stopped outside a dental practice,I knew what was
coming next and I had 4 teeth removed on that one visit,with other appointments
made and kept with more teeth disappearing I was eventually left with 4 front teeth
and another appointment made by this time I was traveling there  alone on the bus.I
had a complete set of dentures made top and bottom and my last visit was to take
out the last of my teeth and replace them with my new dentures,now I am just 16
and feeling really happy with this situation,when I got off the bus in St Asaph I
saw someone I knew,I could sense he was looking at me a bit strange and realized
he was puzzled at the blood in my mouth when I explained to him the reason for
this I could tell he was having difficulty understanding my excitement at the situation
anyone that had not experienced my pain and discomfort could not be expected to
                                     understand how I was feeling.

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